Mar 25, 2005 Miguel de Icaza Explains How to "Get" Mono Miguel de Icaza Explains How to "Get" Mono

And I couldn't resist answer some comments. I'm so easily tricked...

Mar 18, 2005


This thing gave me ideas on how to overcome problems trying to cross-autoconf for ARM/XScale. Basically using QEMU to emulate the target system. This beast is HUGE, so unless it is too hard to make autoconf work with QEMU, I won't install it for now...

MF Bliki: Detestable

MF Bliki: Detestable:

"(Here's an addition to your dictionary.)

Detestable (adjective): software that isn't testable. (from
someone at the Sydney XP group, whose name I sadly forgot.)"

Agreed :)

Mar 8, 2005

Cross compiled a gumstix (XScale embedded Linux)

See .

First step in trying my hand in embedding Mono on XScale hardware... Lost a full day, by messing with the Makefile in the wrong direction (don't ever try to tell the binutils that you are using xscale, it has to think it is a plain old ARM)...

Feb 21, 2005

Let's reactivate this... Mono embedded on hardware

I'll be working on a large project that needs some pretty complex logic piece inside some embedded hardware (based on XScale).

I started thinking of using Java but now I'm inclined to use Mono instead.

The main reason, beyond my personal preferences as I've been a Mono Hacker for years now, is that I need a royalty free solution and, AFAIK, GNU Classpath and open/free JVMs aren't complete enough for what I need to do, that would require something like Tomcat 5 + iText + some free implementation of Secure XML Web Services.

Mono at the other hand is not fully ported to ARM/XScale... :(

Some hard work lies in my path ahead, I'm quite sure...