Oct 1, 2008

C# father Hejlsberg, talks about the language and cites Mono and Moonlight

I've read an Anders Hejlsberg's interview about C# history and future. It is scant on future details for C# 4.0, but nevertheless interesting.
A good thing in it, too, is that he cites favorably projects Mono and Moonlight on the middle pages.


Aug 16, 2008

Today I've started post-graduation studies (lato sensu)

During the next 12 months, I'll be back to the student seat, to learn how to teach, again.

It has some kind of a ... pendular beauty, I think...

Jul 19, 2008

Hammett is now a Microsoft employee

Castle's creator and my former boss is now moving from Brazil to the US, to work for Microsoft in the MEF (Extensibility Framework) team.

I wish him success in this new job, and that he can still find time to make Castle/Monorail evolve even more.

Apr 2, 2008

I survived the bookshelf, so ... Ben Lovell started a terrific series of posts on Test-First Incremental Development with Monorail

Ben has started a series of posts, similar to what I intended to do (always the lazy blogger excuse) about how to go incrementally developing a web application in the test-first way (writing the unit tests before the code). What I normally do differently from him is that he goes backwards throughout the layers (he starts with the controllers' layer, going down to the service layer, and so on) and I tend to begin at the service and model layers, and go up afterwards, because most of my projects tend to have requirements for supporting multiple-UI and/or for publishing some SOA interface (binary or xml, web services).

Me and my son escaped being killed or severely injured by the fall of a huge piece of wall-mounted furniture

Part of a huge dry-wall mounted bookcase collapsed into the floor where I was standing seconds before, and beside my son's bed. After the heart-pounding eased a bit, we've found his forehead was struck by some decorative object, perhaps, but no serious injury happened.

After moving the debris and collecting the books, toys and other objects from the floor, we all had a terrible night, with my kids having an unrestful, frightened, sleep, what made me and my wife also not being able to recover fully.

"What does not kill us makes us stronger", some believe, but I would rather have had a good night of sleep...